Identifies specific areas of strength and opportunities to implement STS-informed policies and practices.
Is a table of standardized measures that are appropriate for children and families dealing with complex trauma.
Helps mental health care providers, working in the Mexico-US border region, understand the diverse cultural, socioeconomic, environmental, and political factors that daily impact the lives of their clients/patients.
Describes the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index for DSM-5. The UCLA PTSD RI is a self-report questionnaire to screen for exposure to traumatic events and assess PTSD symptoms in school-age children and adolescents.
Provides information about using Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) with children and families who have experienced childhood traumatic grief.
Highlights the story of a traumatized youth from early childhood to older adolescence illustrating his trauma reactions and interactions with various service providers.
Defines resilience and factors that enhance resilience in children following a potentially traumatic event.
Illustrates how a parent can provide solace and support to a child after the death of a loved one.
Offers guidance on how to use the Safe Places, Safe Spaces video.
Offers child-serving professionals information about secondary traumatic stress (STS).