Offers guidance on how to use the Safe Places, Safe Spaces video.
Aims to improve services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth in residential treatment.
Provides a short glossary of relevant terms and a chart delineating the continuums of sex, gender, and sexual orientation.
Offers concrete strategies and recommendations for providers working with LGBTQ youth who have experienced trauma.
Provides a map for increasing trauma therapist's comfort, willingness, and knowledge to initiate and facilitate sexual health conversations that promote LGBTQ youth coming to know the positive potential for their sexual development and health.
Discusses special areas of vulnerability, risk factors, disclosure, and cultural competency when working with LGBTQ youth after sexual abuse.
Discusses the Safe Places, Safe Spaces video product.
Provides concrete strategies that organizations and practitioners can implement to increase access and improve responsiveness to LGBTQ individuals and families.
Includes articles that range from a report on teen suicide screening and intervention to new resources for bringing an LGBTQ lens to trauma-informed care.
Offers tips to therapists who work with LGBTQ youth experiencing self-injury and suicidal ideation.