Explores the complex connections between traumatic stress and substance abuse.
Offers information on traumatic stress in adolescents.
Offers teens information about trauma, how it can affect them, and why they might use alcohol or drugs to deal with their experiences.
Outlines treatment options for youth with traumatic stress who are experiencing substance abuse problems.
Provides statistics about adolescent trauma and substance abuse.
Provides statistics about adolescent trauma and substance abuse.
Summarizes the signs of intoxication, substance use, and abuse commonly reported by substance users.
Provides information for parents and caregivers whose teen might be or is experiencing substance abuse and/or stress from a traumatic event.
Describes the prevalence of trauma exposure and service use among NCTSN children in the Core Data Set and offers the study's results, recommendations, and policy implications.
Describes the need for an integrated system of care for youth with traumatic stress and substance use disorders.