Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to educational professionals.
Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to juvenille justice professionals.
Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to medical professionals.
Is a collection of organizational assessment tools and processes, developed by the NYU Center for Child Welfare Practice Innovation, that supported the evaluation and implementation of trauma-informed practices within public and private agencies t
Provides information for supporting the staff in a children’s advocacy center (CAC) setting who have been exposed to critical incidents and may have concerns about their physical or psychological safety.
Discusses how every traumatic event is made up of traumatic moments that may include varying degrees of objective life threat, physical violation, and witnessing of injury or death.
Provides information about how traumatic events often generate secondary adversities such as family separations, financial hardship, relocations to a new residence and school, social stigma, ongoing treatment for injuries, physical rehabilitation,
Offers information engagement, inclusion, and retention of children and families in trauma treatment.
Offers information for caregivers on unconfirmed death, how it relates to forced displacement, how it is traumatic for children, and how children might respond.
Introduces Fareed Rogers, a 17-year-old patient at a psychiatric hospital, who has a history of violent behavior. Dr.