Explores the rationale for and utility of screening and assessing for trauma in child welfare setting.
Describes the development of standardized definitions of child abuse and domestic violence across military branches.
Provides policymakers and other stakeholders with an overview of how substance use and trauma affects children, adolescents, and families; substance use-related impaired caregiving; and the impact of the opioid crisis on children and families.
Describes how the impact and consequences of COVID-19 increase the risk of involvement in sex or labor trafficking. This fact sheet offers infromation on what you can do as a provider and how to support yourself.
Discusses the complex interplay of societal, community, relationship, and individual factors that increase a youth's risk of being trafficked.
Defines infant mental health and why it is important, with particular emphasis on the relationship context of early development.
Discusses the need for an early childhood mental health consultation program within child care settings and describes the two types of consultation programs and the goals of each.
Focuses on programs for military families and children. This webinar series presents information that aims to prevent and intervene in cases of child abuse/neglect and domestic violence.
Offers parents, caregivers, and family members information about child sexual abuse material (CSAM) exposure.
Offers CACs and multidisciplinary teams resources, to use in partnership with their communities, to understand and explore the unique needs of child sexual exploitation victims.