Provides parents information on how to talk to children about domestic violence. This fact sheet discusses how to help a child navigate a relationship with an abusive parent.
Provides links and resources for additional information to support the Cops, KIds, and Domestic Violence training video.
Focuses on foster care. We showcase Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: A Workshop for Resource Parents and interview a woman who grew up in the foster care system and is trying to change it.
Provides parents with information on how to talk to children about domestic violence. This fact sheet discusses how domestic violence can affect children.
Describes the impact of domestic violence on children. This video provides law enforcement officers with concrete information about what they can do when responding to the scene of a domestic violence call.
Features research, resources, and role models. The Developmental Trauma Disorder clinical field trial is discussed, along with a story of recovery to becoming a beloved role model for both youth and providers is featured in this edition.
Provides parents with information on how to talk to children about domestic violence. This fact sheet discusses how to keep children safe and respond to their fears.
Discusses a study comparing a clinical CSEC cohort with a clinical group of youth who had no reported involvement in prostitution, but had a history of sexual abuse/assault. Updated May 2021.
Discusses ways to better engage adolescents who have experienced trauma in treatment.
Focuses entirely on the relationship between culture and trauma.