Helps programs who work with justice-involved youth better understand the steps to take to recognize and respond to the trauma-related needs of youth, family members, and staff working in the justice system.
Provides background on the issues of trauma among homeless children, including what homelessness looks like in America, the interplay between trauma and homelessness, how programs and services help families exposed to trauma, and providing trauma-specific services.
Provides background on developmental disabilities, statistical information regarding the incidence of trauma for this population, special characteristics of the population that may influence the incidence of trauma, and additional information.
Allows families to list important telephone numbers and other information that could be useful in the case of an emergency.
Offers activities and a scenario for youth who have been ill or injured to help understand what it is they might be feeling.
Describes the challenges associated with going to and returning from war for service members, including the many paradoxes that prevent getting help.
Provides an overview of the issues of child maltreatment and military sexual trauma in military settings.
Provides a framework for interventions that serve the mental health needs of military children.
Accompanies the Family Preparedness Wallet Card. This guide helps families develop a safety plan so that they may be prepared in the event of disasters.
Interviews COL Rick Campise and Mary “Tib” Campise about the challenges to parenting among military members due to the stress of deployment and prolonged separation.