Addresses the complex impact of secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout.
Discusses early work in the NCTSN to describe the prevalence of complex trauma and polyvictimization. This webinar describes ongoing efforts to support the new diagnosis of Developmental Trauma Disorder.
Discusses topics related to the impact of terrorism and disaster on children, as well as clinical issues such as assessment and treatment.
Addresses the influence of culture on mental health providers coping with secondary traumatic stress (STS) and the choices that clinicians make to seek, or not seek, support.
Remembers the 10th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. This webinar series discusses how 33 of our Network centers and 31 of our partners assisted in 22 states making the response to Katrina the greatest NCTSN response and recovery effort to date.
Discusses the need for, and the benefits of, a school based mental health program. This webinar offers suggestions on building relationships with schools, as well as case examples of successful school/mental health partnerships.
Offers perspectives on the intersections between trauma, caregiver substance use, parenting, and prenatal substance use exposure.
Offers concrete strategies and recommendations for providers working with LGBTQ youth who have experienced trauma.
Lays a groundwork of fundamental knowledge about integrated health care and how it relates to trauma.
Features experts in the field of early childhood trauma discussing some of the core considerations when working with this population as they relate to the DSM-5.