Offers providers ways to use the CANS-Trauma Comprehensive, a tool designed to support individual service, treatment planning, and evaluation of service systems.
Focuses on describing and advocating for creating trauma-informed child-serving systems including juvenile justice, child welfare, healthcare, mental health, school, and law-enforcement.
Explains traumatic grief in preschool- and school-aged children.
Reviews key points from the webinars within the Enhancing Multidisciplinary Responses to Polyvictimization: Complex Trauma Speaker Series and answers participants' questions.
Provides an introduction to the history and importance of child and family disaster mental health. This webinar discusses the importance of how and where disaster services are provided.
Offers strategies to make services culturally-responsive to the needs of the Latino immigrant population.
Discusses Real Life Heroes (RLH), which envisions treatment for trauma as a hero's journey. This webinar describes RLH, including attachment-based therapy as well as journaling, other arts, and expressive elements.
Describes the Child Development Community Policy Program.
Increases understanding of the impact that parents’ own unresolved trauma can have on their capacity to engage with child welfare personnel, negotiate different aspects of the child welfare system, and safely parent their children.
Discusses findings from research on crossover youth and how traumatic stress plays a role in the trajectory of crossover youth, as well as implications for policy and practice.