Offers guidance on how to talk with children about deportation or separation.
Introduces key factors that juvenile court judges should consider in order to take a trauma-informed approach when newcomer immigrant youth come before them in juvenile justice cases.
Provides external resources related to sexual assault and National Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Provides external resources related to child physical abuse and Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Brings to life the story of Jeremy, a 10-year-old boy, following the tragic death of his father. This video walks you through Jeremy's story and describes his journey as he and his family get help and are able to enjoy happy memories together.
Brings to life the story of Rosie, a young girl who is struggling after the death of her mother. This video walks you through Rosie's story and illustrates how a parent can provide solace and support to a child after the death of a loved one.
Este video da vida a la historia de Jaime, un niño de 10 años, después de pasar por la trágica muerte de su padre.
Has a special focus on schools. This edition of the newsletter includes a look at the Breakthrough Series Collaborative on Trauma-Informed Schools.
Offers providers guidance on the importance of treatment completion.
Offers parents and caregivers information about the importance of treatment completion.