Provides information on how to enhance opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing children who experience traumatic stress to receive treatment.
Provides an overview for providers on how to work with children and families who are living with intellectual and development disabilities (IDD) and have experienced trauma.
Describes integrating behavioral health services in rural and urban Native American communities, outlines the story of healing for three survivors of child sex trafficking, and other highlights.
Presents an overview of the issues of traumatic stress among hard of heating children or children with hearing loss.
Provides background on developmental disabilities, statistical information regarding the incidence of trauma for this population, special characteristics of the population that may influence the incidence of trauma, and additional information.
Discusses the special challenges of treating deaf and hard of hearing children, and the hearing children of deaf parents, who have been traumatized.
Provides information on the impact that trauma may have on youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Ofrece un resumen general para los proveedores sobre cómo asistir a los niños y a sus familias que viven con discapacidades intelectuales y de desarrollo (intellectual and development disabilities, IDD) y han experimentado trauma. El camino a l
Provides clinicians with the foundational knowledge to adapt their practices and provide trauma-informed care to children with IDD.
Addresses basic issues in trauma-informed care for children with IDD.