Provides concrete strategies that organizations and practitioners can implement to increase access and improve responsiveness to LGBTQ individuals and families.
Includes articles that range from a report on teen suicide screening and intervention to new resources for bringing an LGBTQ lens to trauma-informed care.
Presents recommendations from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for eliminating the use of conversion therapy among youth.
Offers information to parents and caregiver on how to help military children and adolescents who identify as LGBTQ deal with the many challenges they face. This tip sheet describes common thoughts or situations LGBTQ youth may have and how parents
Aims to build provider awareness on the experiences of LGBTQ youth in psychiatric, child welfare, juvenile justice, and other residential settings.
Discusses how professionals can recognize qualities of a safe, affirming environment where staff can explore personal views and values, and articulate professional responsibilities.
Outline techniques for engaging families in affirming treatment and care of their LGBTQ youth, including a review of techniques used within the Family Acceptance Project (FAP) with founder Caitlin Ryan.
Offers tips to therapists who work with LGBTQ youth experiencing self-injury and suicidal ideation.
Features James, a 16-year-old African American youth who has been living with his maternal uncle, Patrick, since he and his two younger sisters were removed from their biological parents three years ago when James reported to a teacher that his fa