Examines how military families interact with various service systems, including schools and the court system.
Explores several programs and projects, including innovative community-based initiatives, designed to support the behavioral health of military veterans and their families.
Describes ways military families communicate during and after deployment.
Introduces participants to child abuse and neglect in military families. This webinar discusses in particular the community and military partnerships to help military families.
Shares examples of how organizations can incorporate military-informed procedures and practices, beginning with asking about service member status and affiliations.
Discusses the combat/operational stress continuum (COSC) and Combat/Operational Stress First Aid (COSFA) in the US Navy and US Marine Corps.
Provides information on the US military structure and culture, to increase understanding of the ways a community-based provider can begin to work with veterans and their families.
Describes risk factors to military families and children, including child abuse, neglect, domestic violence and substance abuse.
Presents the coordinated model of care to prepare programs to serve military families.
Familiarizes participants with several mental health programs and interventions designed for use with military and veteran families.