Offers information on the Millennium Cohort Study.
Describes the strengths of military families and children. This webinar offers strategies for working with military families in community settings, as well as the impact of parental injury on military children and families.
Features an update on US Army Behavioral Health Services, including types of services and initiatives available to soldiers and their families.
Discusses initiatives addressing the creation of a military social work curriculum.
Discusses how providers have worked with branches of our country's military to promote the well being of young children in military families.
Provides an overview of issues specific to military culture and family life, describes two models for treating military children with traumatic grief, and highlights a service member's experience.
Describes programs to serve New York National Guard and their families.
Provides a description of the FOCUS program as well as program effectiveness data.
Describes 10 key concepts for providing competent and effective services to military families.
Describes work from McCormick Foundation, RAND Corporation, and Duke University's Veteran Culture and Clinical Competence (V3C) Program.