Describes work from McCormick Foundation, RAND Corporation, and Duke University's Veteran Culture and Clinical Competence (V3C) Program.
Focuses on programs for military families and children. This webinar series presents information that aims to prevent and intervene in cases of child abuse/neglect and domestic violence.
Offers information to parents and caregiver on how to help military children and adolescents who identify as LGBTQ deal with the many challenges they face. This tip sheet describes common thoughts or situations LGBTQ youth may have and how parents
Offers information on why school personnel are important for grieving students with a military background. This fact sheet outlines how students in military families differ from civilian students, how students grieve, what Childhood Traumatic Grie
Provides information to military parents and caregivers on Childhood Traumatic Grief.
Looks back at Jordyn. Since disclosing her sexual exploitation experiences in a previous session, Jordyn continues to attend therapy sessions to address her distress symptoms; depression and PTSD.
Offers military parents information about military youth suicide.
Offers military parents and caregivers information about military youth substance use.
Offers military parents and caregivers information about child trauma and resilience. This fact sheet includes information about what traumatic experiences are, how they impact military families, and common reactions children or teens may have.
Offers helpful resources and inspiring reports abound in the March issue of IMPACT, where we spotlight NCTSN members, including Affiliates, who have raised the bar around innovative ways to help children and families during the pandemic.