Provides a primer on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), beginning with an overview of the theories behind CBT and an introduction to case conceptualization and assessment.
Addresses the influence of culture on mental health providers coping with secondary traumatic stress (STS) and the choices that clinicians make to seek, or not seek, support.
Describes the development of standardized definitions of child abuse and domestic violence across military branches.
Presents information about an online parenting program adapted for the Minnesota National Guard by NCTSN at the University of Minnesota.
Provides an introduction to Naval Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control. This webinar describes Navy culture and discusses Operational Stress Control.
Describes the range of psychosocial issues related to deployment and their potential effects on service member and family well-being.
Describes opportunities to support military children through school-based initiatives.
Introduces the basics of a polytrauma system of care and brain injuries.
Explores the common reasons CSEC youth seek care, as well as challenges to victim identification.
Discusses the special challenges of treating deaf and hard of hearing children, and the hearing children of deaf parents, who have been traumatized.