Features James, a 16-year-old African American youth who has been living with his maternal uncle, Patrick, since he and his two younger sisters were removed from their biological parents three years ago when James reported to a teacher that his fa
Features Jayda, a young mother who is battling feelings of inadequacy as the parent of a toddler. Jayda is struggling to balance life’s responsibilities while experiencing loss and loneliness following the incarceration of her partner Trevor.
Provides current recommendations for partnering with local organizations; resources available after a disaster or terrorism event; and strategies for staging response activities to address recovery.
DIscusses the intersection of complex trauma, development, and culture creates a foundation for effective case planning, treatment, and intervention.
Discusses an integrated approach to recognizing and responding to child and family traumatic stress when a child has cancer.
Discusses prevention and intervention strategies for child sexual abuse. This webinar gives ways to help prevent child sexual abuse, as well as intervention strategies upon disclosure.
Addresses trauma screening and assessment for parents and children in the child welfare system, with a focus on how information gained through screening can help inform casework practice, improve family engagement, and guide decision-making regard
Depicts Maya, a 9-year-old girl, was referred for therapy due to numerous instances of domestic violence by her father toward her mother (some of which she witnessed), physical abuse by her father, and possible sexual abuse with no specific disclo
Explains how to understand implementation research.
Introduces participants to child abuse and neglect in military families. This webinar discusses in particular the community and military partnerships to help military families.