Is the National Child Traumatic Stress Network's Public Service Announcement. This videos gives a brief introduction to the NCTSN, why supporting children and families who have experienced trauma is important, and what can be done.
Is the National Child Traumatic Stress Network's Public Service Announcement. This videos gives a brief introduction to the NCTSN, why supporting children and families who have experienced trauma is important, and what can be done.
Features a highly diverse cast of seven adolescents and young adults who examine the shared and unique challenges faced, mistakes made, and growth attained in the struggle to transcend legacies of developmental trauma.
Brings to life the story of Jeremy, a 10-year-old boy, following the tragic death of his father. This video walks you through Jeremy's story and describes his journey as he and his family get help and are able to enjoy happy memories together.
Brings to life the story of Rosie, a young girl who is struggling after the death of her mother. This video walks you through Rosie's story and illustrates how a parent can provide solace and support to a child after the death of a loved one.
Este video da vida a la historia de Jaime, un niño de 10 años, después de pasar por la trágica muerte de su padre.
Este video da vida a la historia de Rosie, una niña que está teniendo dificultades después de la muerte de su madre.
Discusses the impact of trauma and young children including its impact of brain development; its impact on social, emotional, and cognitive development; and its impact on parent-child relationship and parenting dynamics. Dr.
Is a two-part video series describing materials developed by Sesame Street in Communities (SSIC) and how those resources can be integrated into evidence-based care.
Highlights principles of the Breakthrough Series Collaborative methodology that support changes in schools, including involvement from stakeholders at multiple levels and a process of testing and adapting small changes to bring about sustainable a