Presents findings from research data on the 1988 earthquake in Spitak, Armenia and makes references to other natural disasters.
Provides guidelines for assessing and treating young children who have been traumatized through a disaster or act of terrorism. This webinar focuses primarily on lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina and 9/11.
Discusses the impact of sudden death on children and the school community. This webinar provides best practices in the areas of prevention, response and recovery, school staff support, and self-care.
Outlines the top ten things mental health professionals working in schools after a disaster should be doing.
Gives information to parents and caregivers about media coverage following a shooting.
Provides information to schools about how to create a trauma-informed active shooter/intruder drill. This fact sheet outlines the steps to take before, during, and after for students, school staff, and parents.
Provides information on how to talk to children about hate crimes.
Provides information for college students on how to cope afte the recent shooting.
Offers information for teens about common reactions to mass violence, as well as tips for taking care of themselves and connecting with others.
Offers a glimpse into the diverse work that our Network members do. In this vein, we profile one of our long-time members, Alicia F. Lieberman, PhD, a child mental health pioneer, as well as Rebecca Frances Hoffmann, an active Affiliate member.