Offers parents and caregivers information to help support their children after the loss of a family member due to homicide.
Provides caregivers guidance about how to address the impending death of a loved one due to COVID-19. This fact sheet offers information on anticipating a death, preparing a child for the death, and saying goodbye.
Features a first-person narrative illustrating how a family can move through the pain of loss and go on to heal. The family shares their personal experiences of the traumatic grief experienced by one daughter after her sister's sudden death.
Offers information on military children who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This tip sheet describes how military children dealing with trauma and grief responses may be feeling and what parents can do to help.
Describes how teens may feel when struggling with the death of someone close and offers tips on what caregivers can do to help.
Outlines the feelings of young children struggling with the death of someone meaningful and offers suggestions on what caregivers can do to help.
Lists common reactions educators might see in the students with whom they work and suggestions on how they may help after community trauma.
Offers information on military children who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This tip sheet describes how military children dealing with trauma and grief responses may be feeling and what educators and school staff can do to help.
Explains traumatic grief in preschool- and school-aged children.
Focuses on childhood grief in the school setting.