DIscusses the intersection of complex trauma, development, and culture creates a foundation for effective case planning, treatment, and intervention.
Focuses on Michael (12-years old) and Trisha (16-years-old), who live with their mother Monica in a single-parent household.
Depicts a father who has been physically violent in the past becoming intensely verbally angry, frightening and emotionally alienating to his son.
Shows the modern-day manifestations of the intersection of historical, intergenerational, and migration trauma and its compounding impact with present-day traumatic stressors on the parent-child relationship of an indigenous Guatemalan immigrant family.
Trauma Systems Therapy (TST) is a model that addresses the primary reason that care is typically sought for a traumatized child: The child expresses episodes of uncontrolled emotion (e.g.
Depicts Debbie, a 10 year old multiracial girl who lives with her 27 year old African American mother Sharon. Sharon has struggled for years with substance abuse. The family lived for several years in a shared space which was quite chaotic.
Highlights the story of a traumatized youth from early childhood to older adolescence illustrating his trauma reactions and interactions with various service providers.
Offers information on the assessment of complex trauma in children.
Provides information for non-mental health professionals regarding the assessment of complex trauma.
Depicts a mother and her teenage daughter who have experienced severe family violence by an ex-husband/father in the past become embroiled in an intense verbal argument that escalates into sudden physical violence.