Acquaints clinicians and researchers with issues relevant to working with children who have experienced multiple traumatic events.
Offers information about complex trauma. This fact sheet details the impact of complex trauma, the effects of complex trauma, the long-term health consequences, and the economic impact of complex trauma.
Provides an overview of complex trauma in children and adolescents.
Is a table of standardized measures that are appropriate for children and families dealing with complex trauma.
Helps parents and caregivers recognize the signs and symptoms of complex trauma and offers recommendations on how to help children heal.
Helps educators and school staff recognize the signs and symptoms of complex trauma and offers recommendations on how to help students heal.
Discusses general and trauma-specific tools used to assess complex trauma in children and adolescents and how assessment guides treatment for this population.
Discusses what complex trauma is, how it develops, and how it is distinguished from PTSD.
Depicts a moment when Rose initially directs her feeling of being victimized toward her therapist.