Provides parents and professionals with the answers to commonly asked questions about the impact of domestic violence on children.
Provides information on how trauma from domestic violence impacts children, and how best to serve these children's needs.
Provides policymakers and other stakeholders with an overview of intimate partner violence (IPV) and its relationship to child trauma, as well as policy-relevant and child trauma-focused recommendations to assist them in their response to intimate
Provides ideas about self-care for parents impacted by domestic violence. This fact sheet points out how stress can affect parents and provides suggestions on how to deal with that stress.
Provides parents information on how to talk to children about domestic violence. This fact sheet discusses the importance of recognizing and dealing with one's own feelings before talking to children.
Provides information on how to talk to children about domestic violence. This fact sheet helps you understand how children may react to domestic violence, and how to best help them feel safe and valued, and develop personal strength.
Provides parents information on how to talk to children about domestic violence. This fact sheet discusses how to help a child navigate a relationship with an abusive parent.
Provides links and resources for additional information to support the Cops, KIds, and Domestic Violence training video.
Provides parents with information on how to talk to children about domestic violence. This fact sheet discusses how domestic violence can affect children.
Describes the impact of domestic violence on children. This video provides law enforcement officers with concrete information about what they can do when responding to the scene of a domestic violence call.