PCIT is an evidenced-based treatment model with highly specified, step-by-step, live coached sessions with both the parent/caregiver and the child. Parents learn skills through PCIT didactic sessions.
RRFT is an integrative approach to addressing the heterogeneous symptoms experienced by trauma-exposed adolescents.
SMART is a structured, phase-based approach to treating sexually abused children who are exhibiting sexual behavior problems. The model has been successfully implemented with a primarily African American population since 1998.
SPR is a manualized, evidence-informed intervention that is intended to foster short and long-term adaptive coping in disaster survivors who are exhibiting moderate levels of distress.
SPARCS is a manually-guided and empirically-supported group treatment designed to improve the emotional, social, academic, and behavioral functioning of adolescents exposed to chronic interpersonal trauma and/or separate types of trauma.
TGCT-A is a manualized group or individual treatment program for trauma-exposed or traumatically bereaved older children and adolescents that may be implemented in school, community mental health, clinic, or other service settings.
TFC (also known as Multimodality Trauma Treatment Trauma-Focused Coping) is a skills-oriented, cognitive-behavioral treatment approach for children exposed to single incident trauma and targets PTSD and collateral symptoms of depression, anxiety,
TST-R is a comprehensive method for treating traumatic stress in children and adolescents that adds to individually-based approaches by specifically addressing social environmental/ system-of-care factors that are believed to be driving a child’s
ITCT-C is an assessment-driven, multimodal, evidence-based treatment for children ages 5-12, with interview and/or standardized trauma-specific measures administered at 2-3 month intervals to identify particular symptoms and issues requiring focus
CPM is a brief screening and response protocol guiding the identification of, and response to, traumatic stress in children seen in healthcare and other pediatric settings, such as primary care clinics and Children’s Advocacy Centers.