NCCTS policy activities are guided by Ellen Gerrity, PhD, Diane Elmore Borbon, PhD, MPH, and Lauren Absher, MSW, in collaboration with the NCTSN Policy Task Force.
Refugee children may feel relieved when they are resettled in the US. However, the difficulties they face do not end upon their arrival.
Events that refugees have experienced related to war or persecution can all be called traumatic events.
As recognition has grown about the prevalence and impact of trauma on young children, more age-appropriate treatment approaches have been developed and tested for this population. These interventions share many of the same core components.
The National Center for Child Traumatic Stress works closely with National Child Traumatic Stress Network members to develop and expand comprehensive external partnerships.
Sex trafficking occurs among all socioeconomic classes, races, ethnicities, and gender identities and in urban, suburban, and rural communities across the US.
The interventions below are among those that are being used by NCTSN members to help children who have been, or are at risk of becoming, victims of physical abuse.