May was first declared as Mental Health Awareness Month in 1949. In 2006, Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day was chosen as a special day during this month to focus on the mental health needs of children.
There are three pathways for using the NCTSN TIOA. Find out what they are here.
The following resources on Complex Trauma were developed by the NCTSN.
The following treatments have been shown to be effective in improving trauma-specific outcomes for children and/or teens after sexual abuse or assault.
Refugee children and adolescents exhibit resilience despite a history of trauma. However, trauma can affect a refugee child’s emotional and behavioral development.
The experience of trauma takes away choice and control. The trauma-informed healing environment maximizes opportunities for choice and control.
Hear what other organizations have to say about implementing the NCTSN TIOA.
Wherever Healthcare Providers encounter children and families--whether in a clinic, hospital ER, school, or at a private outpatient practice--there are opportunities to integrate trauma-informed practices into the care families receive.