Serves as the nation’s leading survivor-led organization for empowering commercially sexually exploited and domestically trafficked girls and young women, through survivor-led and survivor-engaged programming preparing members to become leaders in
Maintains an integrate network of survivors and multidisciplinary professionals creating and diseeminating resources and training to end huma trafficking and supporting its survivors, from a public health perspective.
Provides the PEARR Tool, to help guide social workers, nurses, and other profesionals on how to provide assistance to those who have experienced trauma, in a trauma-informed manner.
Provides a comprehensive resources, including the Human Trafficking Toolkit for healthcare professionals on trafficked and exploited children around the world.
Acts as a central resource for medical and behavioral health professionals seeking information on sex and labor trafficking involving children and adults.
Provides an interactive child trafficking and exploitation prevention curriculum designed to provide youth with information and skills in a manner that inspires them to make safe choices.
Offers information and guidance to parents, caregivers, and other adults to help them understand the reality of human trafficking, and most importantly, what they can do to safeguard youth and others in their communities.
Is a survivor-led, organization providing survivor mentoring, a research-based -exploitation prevention program, and professional training and advocacy.
Offers parents and caregivers information about traumatic separation and reunification, including what traumatic experiences are, how children react to trauma, and ways to heal.
Ofrece a los padres y cuidadores información sobre la separación traumática, incluyendo qué son las experiencias traumáticas, cómo reaccionan los niños al trauma y formas de sanar.