Gives information on family engagement, why its important, the potential barriers to engaging a family, specific strategies for engagement, and how MDT partners can be involved in family engagement.
Discusses why it is important to measure the quality of a CAC's mental health component. This fact sheet looks at ways to measure quality, how a CAC can use metrics to monitor quality, and how a CAC can use conversation to monitor quality.
is a compilation of samples that CAC's can use to best support the decision about in house mental health services versus linking to outside agencies.
Engaging Families in Child & Youth Mental Health: A Review of Best, Emerging and Promising Practices
Reviews best practices for engaging children and families in mental health treatment.
Offers additional resources on secondary traumatic stress for CAC workers.
Offers different resources for CAC workers implementing evidence-based treatment.
Is a compilation of resources to help CAC workers monitor the quality of the mental health component at their CAC.
Offers information for CAC workers on the available instruments for evidence-based assessment.
Outlines the top ten things mental health professionals working in schools after a disaster should be doing.
Documents the results of a project that engaged African refugee youth, community members, and service providers.