FCT is an evidence-based trauma treatment model of home-based family therapy focusing on holistic, family derived goals related to family functioning, preservation, permanency, and reunification.
Training curricula developed by the NCTSN are designed to facilitate the delivery of comprehensive workshops for various audiences on child traumatic stress.
Young children depend exclusively on parents/caregivers for survival and protection—both physical and emotional. When trauma also impacts the parent/caregiver, the relationship between that person and the child may be strongly affected.
Le saludamos de parte de La Red Nacional para el Estrés Traumático Infantil.
Child sex trafficking is a severe form of trauma exposure that may have significant immediate and long-term impacts for survivors.
This measure is a brief version of the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1995), a widely used and well-researched measure of parenting stress (the full PSI is also reviewed in this database). The PSI-SF has 36 items from the original 120-item PSI.
The ROCF assesses perceptual organization and visual memory.
Children who suffer from child traumatic stress are those who have been exposed to one or more traumas over the course of their lives and develop reactions that persist and affect their daily lives after the events have ended.
It is important that mental health providers, family members, and other caregivers become aware of specific questions to ask when seeking the most effective services for these children.
The 2001 Teacher’s Report Form (TRF) is a teacher-report measure that assesses problem behavior and can identify 8 syndromes. It also assesses academic performance and adaptive functioning.