Offers child-serving providers information about child neglect and trauma.
Offers parents, caregivers, and providers answers to commonly asked questions about child physical abuse.
Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to educational professionals.
Offers information regarding child sex trafficking to medical professionals.
Answers the question what is a trauma-informed child and family service system. This fact sheet details the components of a trauma-informed child and family service system.
Provides parents and professionals with the answers to commonly asked questions about the impact of child sexual abuse.
Provides policymakers and other stakeholders with an overview of intimate partner violence (IPV) and its relationship to child trauma, as well as policy-relevant and child trauma-focused recommendations to assist them in their response to intimate
Details child maltreatment in military families.
Increases understanding of the impact that parents’ own unresolved trauma can have on their capacity to engage with child welfare personnel, negotiate different aspects of the child welfare system, and safely parent their children.
Provides external resources related to child physical abuse and Child Abuse Prevention Month.