Offers teachers guidance on helping students after an earthquake. This fact sheet describes common reactions students may have, how teachers and school staff can help, as well as engage in self-care after an earthquake.
Offers teachers guidance on helping students after a mass violence event. This fact sheet describes common reactions students may have, how teachers and school staff can help, as well as engage in self-care after a mass violence event.
Defines key terms, including consent and coercion, and offers guidance to parents related to dating violence and sexual assault.
Defines key terms, including consent and coercion, and offers guidance to teens related to dating violence and sexual assault.
Highlights what ten things juvenile court judges should know to best meet the needs of traumatized children who come into their system.
Provides information on the importance of follow-up after testifying.
Offers guidance to clinicians called upon to testify as an expert witness for a client’s court case.
Helps mental health professionals preparing for a court hearing.
Accompanies The Courage to Remember video that presents critical core components of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) for children who suffer from childhood traumatic grief.
Presents critical core components for providing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) to children who suffer from childhood traumatic grief.