January was first declared as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in 2010. Since then, January has been a time to acknowledge those experiencing enslavement and those who have escaped.
Wherever Healthcare Providers encounter children and families--whether in a clinic, hospital ER, school, or at a private outpatient practice--there are opportunities to integrate trauma-informed practices into the care families receive.
Based on the Circumplex model. Revised version includes six subscales: two assess the mid-ranges of adaptability and cohesion, and four assess the extremes (rigid, chaotic, disengaged, and enmeshed).
The following resources on School Shootings were developed by the NCTSN.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has developed a variety of resources for children, youth, and young adults, to explain child trauma and its effects.
The PT-SIC is a self-report measure of PTSD symptoms for children aged 4-8. It assesses the DSM-IV criteria for the diagnosis of PTSD. The language is simple, to allow young children to respond to the questions in an interview format.
The NCTSN has produced dozens of webinar series, comprised of virtual presentations by expert researchers and practitioners, on various topics in the field of child traumatic stress.
Children and families become known to the child welfare system because of suspected abuse or neglect, experiences which can result in traumatic stress reactions.