Offers a compendium of tools to guide medical professionals in effectively assessing and treating medical traumatic stress in children and families. This toolkit helps providers address the emotional, as well as the physical side of trauma.
Provides statistics about adolescent trauma and substance abuse.
Provides statistics about adolescent trauma and substance abuse.
Describes integrating behavioral health services in rural and urban Native American communities, outlines the story of healing for three survivors of child sex trafficking, and other highlights.
Focuses entirely on the relationship between culture and trauma.
Addresses several local, state, and federal policy issues. This webinar series includes presentations from key policy experts, NCTSN members, affiliates, and partners who have played a leadership role in child trauma policy efforts.
Offers information about refugee arrivals in the U.S. and refugee mental health needs and best practices.
Discusses the following three studies: Adults Who Experienced Child Sexual Abuse or Partner Violence, Adolescents and Children, and Veterans and Active Military. Dr.
Gives you an inside look at the work done by individual and agency leaders.
Features Sarah Gardner, MSW, Director of Clinical Services at the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress at Kennedy Krieger Institute and a funded member of Family Informed Trauma Treatment (FITT) Center at the University of Maryland.