Offers providers details about the unique needs of veterans transitioning out of service.
Describes integrating behavioral health services in rural and urban Native American communities, outlines the story of healing for three survivors of child sex trafficking, and other highlights.
Highlights the need for clinicians and policy makers to understand the links between trauma and culture.
This 21-item parent-report measure was designed to rapidly assess and screen for elevated symptomatology in children following exposure to a stressful and/or traumatic event. It is not intended to be a diagnostic instrument.
Despite the high occurrence of childhood exposure to IPV, it is important to note that children are inherently resilient and can move forward from stressful events in their lives.
Even in the closest of families, it is sometimes hard to remember that family members may have different reactions to the same traumatic event.
Depicts a moment when Rose initially directs her feeling of being victimized toward her therapist.
Trauma-informed screening and assessment practices help providers identify children’s and families’ needs early in the process and to tailor services to meet those needs.
Child sex trafficking is a severe form of trauma exposure that may have significant immediate and long-term impacts for survivors.
Due to the particular developmental risks associated with young children's traumatic experiences, it is essential that vulnerable children be identified as early as possible after the trauma.