The Youth Self-Report (YSR) is a widely used child-report measure that assesses problem behaviors along two “broadband scales”: Internalizing and Externalizing.
AF-CBT is a trauma-informed, evidence-based treatment designed to improve the relationships between children and caregivers.
ABC is a parent/child treatment approach designed to help caregivers provide nurturing care and engage in synchronous interactions with their infants.
CARE is a trauma-informed set of skills that can be used by any adult in any setting who interacts with children and teens who have experienced trauma.
CDCP is a model of secondary prevention that provides crisis intervention and follow-up community- and clinic-based clinical and collaborative interventions for exposed children.
CPP is an intervention model for children aged 0-6 who have experienced at least one traumatic event and/or are experiencing mental health, attachment, and/or behavioral problems, including posttraumatic stress disorder.
CPC-CBT is a short-term, strengths-based therapy program for children ages 3-17 and their parents (or caregivers) in families where parents engage in a continuum of coercive parenting strategies.
CM-TFT is a culturally adapted intervention based on Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It maintains the key components of standard TF-CBT with the addition of modules integrating cultural concepts throughout treatment.
ITCT-A is a component-based, assessment-driven, multi-modal treatment for traumatized adolescents (aged 12 to 21 years) and their families.
IFACES is a program that provides comprehensive community-based mental health services to refugee children, adolescents, and families. Outreach is seen as the cornerstone of the program and occurs throughout the treatment process.