Shares how the Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit: 2nd Edition has been implemented in three different states by non-profit organizations, in partnership with their child welfare jurisdictions.
Complements the Resource Parent Curriculum (RPC). This course is for resource families who are considering attending a RPC training to help them determine whether it would be worth their time to attend an entire workshop.
Addresses the response to child sexual abuse. This webinar series provides information about special populations, secondary traumatic stress among providers, and collaborations with the media, among other topics.
Explores the relationship between physical abuse and socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, racial and/or ethnic backgrounds, and gender.
Discusses the impact of trauma and the experience of young children in the child welfare system and the signs, symptoms, and consequences of trauma in infants, young children, and their caregivers.
Describes three family-based models of intervention: FOCUS, Strengthening Family Coping Resources, and Trauma Adapted Family Connections.
Defines CSEC and the scope of the problem of the commercial sexual exploitation of both girls and young women in the US.
Focuses on understanding the intersection between cyberbullying and trauma.
Discusses definitions of psychosocial approaches, disasters, and disaster resiliency.
Discusses sexual assault that occurs within the context of ongoing relationships and those that occur in a one-time interaction (e.g., at a party, among casual acquaintances, friends who are not in an ongoing intimate/romantic relationship).