FAD - Family Assessment Device

Based on the McMaster Model of Family Functioning (MMFF), the FAD measures structural, organizational, and transactional characteristics of families.

KRI - Kauai Recovery Index

The KRI is a 24-item self-report instrument designed to measure the presence of PTSD symptoms in children/adolescents exposed to hurricanes.

KIPS - Keys to Interactive Parenting Scale

KIPS is a structured observation tool to assess parent-child interaction during play. KIPS assesses the parent's (or other significant caregiver's) behavior in the context of the child's needs. To ensure reliability, the play session is often videotaped and scored later.

PERQ - Parent Emotional Reaction Questionnaire

The PERQ is designed to assess stressful parental emotional reactions to the sexual abuse of their children. Parents are asked to endorse the frequency of specific reactions including fear, sadness, guilt, anger, embarrassment, shame, and emotional preoccupation.
