Trauma and Families: Fact Sheet for Providers
Offers providers information about trauma including what trauma is, how it can impact a family, and ways providers can support families experiencing traumatic stress.
The following resources on Families and Trauma were developed by the NCTSN.
Offers providers information about trauma including what trauma is, how it can impact a family, and ways providers can support families experiencing traumatic stress.
Offers strategies to help parents and caregivers cope with collective traumas. This fact sheet also provides guidance on what parents and caregivers can do to care for their children as they cope. Updated May 2024.
Is a two-part video series describing materials developed by Sesame Street in Communities (SSIC) and how those resources can be integrated into evidence-based care.
Provides information on family resilience. This fact sheet discusses a family's ability to maintain or resume effective functioning, including care of its members following potentially traumatic events.
Answers the question what is a trauma-informed child and family service system. This fact sheet details the components of a trauma-informed child and family service system.
Focuses on strategies and innovations that support the meaningful use of the CANS-Trauma and FANS-Trauma in practice in a range of child and family settings.
Provides an overview of the CANS-Trauma and FANS-Trauma tools in relation to trauma-informed assessment, treatment and service planning, and caregiver/family engagement. This webinar series shows the use of these assessment strategies.
Describes using the FANS-Trauma to assess a family's needs and strengths. This webinar discusses treatment planning upon completing the FANS-Trauma.
Discusses existing theoretical and practical perspectives on family resilience and the clinical and research implications for children and families who have experienced trauma.
Covers current issues in family system assessments and family level interventions.
Gives an overview of the purpose and utility of the CANS-Trauma Comprehensive as an innovative, trauma-informed assessment strategy.
Offers providers ways to use the CANS-Trauma Comprehensive, a tool designed to support individual service, treatment planning, and evaluation of service systems. This course contains demonstration videos, PowerPoints, helpful resources, as well as links for training on the use of the CANS.