Includes discussions from providers who work with families on vulnerabilities to exploitation and staying safe online as well as personal experiences faced by those who struggle to talk to their children about being safe.
Includes information from providers and members of different Native Nations on how experiencing loss, especially the loss of elders, has impacted traditional ways of parenting in their communities.
Includes discussion from providers who work with families, communities, and schools before, during, and after violent events as well as parents and school staff, to explore personal experiences faced by those who have struggled to deal with and ad
Highlights the importance of parent-child relationships and how to use treatment as a way to build these relationships.
Offers guidance on talking with children and youth when scary things happen.
Offers guidance on talking with teens when violence happens. This fact sheet includes information on checking in with yourself, clarifying your goal, providing information and options, reflection, asking helpful questions, going slow, labeling emotions, validating, and monitoring media and social media exposure.
Provides information for caregivers on choosing trauma-informed care for children with IDD.
Ofrece información para los padres sobre cómo hablar con los niños sobre violencia doméstica. Esta hoja informativa habla de la importancia de reconocer y lidiar con los sentimientos propios antes de hablar con los niños.
Complements the Resource Parent Curriculum (RPC). This course is for resource families who are considering attending a RPC training to help them determine whether it would be worth their time to attend an entire workshop.
Provides tips for current caregivers and others to help address the needs of immigrant and refugee children who have experienced traumatic separation. The relationship with a parent is critical to a child’s sense of self, safety, and trust.