Discusses child maltreatment and domestic violence issues impacting military families and children.
Provides an overview of services available to veterans and their families. This webinar offers resources and supportive practices for family members who serve as caregivers to psychologically and physically injured veterans.
Discusses general and trauma-specific tools used to assess complex trauma in children and adolescents and how assessment guides treatment for this population.
Focuses on the implementation of Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma: A Workshop for Resource Parents.
Discusses the inter-relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in response to stressful events.
Offers information about refugee arrivals in the U.S. and refugee mental health needs and best practices.
Discusses myths about parents who engage in physically abusive behavior and provides specific, evidence-based strategies to engage families, from initial outreach through course of treatment.
Focuses on parents' response to sibling sexual abuse. This webinar discusses trends identified in practice, as well as includes two mothers describing their real life reactions to sibling sexual abuse.
Focuses on childhood grief in the school setting.
Highlights key findings and offers effective and promising engagement strategies that support families' healing. This webinar discusses strength building in the aftermath of trauma exposure.