Explains how to understand implementation research.
Provides information on screening for mental health needs and trauma in a CAC.
Offers fundamental information about secondary traumatic stress (STS). This fact sheet gives CAC workers guidance on understanding STS, who is impacted, and what CACs can do to address it.
Gives a list of screening tools that are appropriate for use in a CAC.
Provides information on why conducting a trauma-informed mental health assessment is important for those working in a CAC.
Gives an overview of implementing evidence-based treatment at a CAC.
Discusses the differences between offering mental health services on site at a CAC versus partnering with other organizations to provide care.
Looks at the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) and case management monitoring as a component of treatment completion.
Describes the purpose and function of supervision of mental health professionals providing treatment through a CAC.
Describes the role of a mental health professional on a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) at a CAC.