Highlights key points for providers, family advocates, and policymakers to understand about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and child trauma. This resource was adapted from...
Highlights the importance of understanding the serious consequences that trauma histories can have for birth parents.
Is a self-rating tool that walks users through each of the competencies in STS cross-disciplinary version.
Explores the complex connections between traumatic stress and substance abuse.
Identifies the core competencies that STS-informed supervisors in any discipline should have. This fact sheet defines terms, outlines benchmarks for each competency, and offers supervisors guidance on ways...
Guides agency leaders, clinicians, trainers, and others in optimizing service provision to children and families affected by trauma.
Provides an overview for providers on how to work with children and families who are living with intellectual and development disabilities (IDD) and have experienced trauma.
Describes what comprehensive care for children in the child welfare system looks like.
Outlines the need for trauma-informed screening in juvenile justice settings.
Offers strategies to make services culturally-responsive to the needs of the Latino immigrant population.