Introduces a concept of trauma and offers a framework for becoming a trauma-informed organization, system, or service sector.
Reports on the 2012 recommendations from the Attorney General’s National Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence, which was established to recommend ways to prevent, reduce, and treat children’s exposure to violence.
Reviews findings of the National Commission on Children and Disasters, an independent, bipartisan body established by Congress and the President to identify gaps in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery for children and to make recommendat
Gives examples of state and federal policy issues related to child sex trafficking. This webinar provides an overview of activities and resources related to child sex trafficking.
Provides policymakers and other stakeholders with an overview of how substance use and trauma affects children, adolescents, and families; substance use-related impaired caregiving; and the impact of the opioid crisis on children and families.
Provides an overview of common pandemic-related stressors among children and families, highlights NCTSN efforts to mitigate these issues, and offers priority recommendations.
Offers information on unaccompanied and separated immigrant youth in the US who have experienced migration-related trauma and family separation.
Provides an overview of child traumatic stress and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.
Updated October 2024
Explores policy challenges and solutions relevant to working with refugee youth.