Discusses the impact of sudden death on children and the school community. This webinar provides best practices in the areas of prevention, response and recovery, school staff support, and self-care.
Outlines different considerations that school personnel need to take into account when working with refugee youth and their families.
Offers school health professionals a quick resource for using the Core Actions of Psychological First Aid in response to an emergency event on school grounds.
Offers principals and administrators a quick resource for using the Core Actions of Psychological First Aid in response to an emergency event on school grounds.
Offers teachers a quick resource for using the Core Actions of Psychological First Aid in response to an emergency event on school grounds.
Offers school support staff a quick resource for using the Core Actions of Psychological First Aid in response to an emergency event on school grounds.
is a list of NCTSN products that are useful for school staff and personnel.
Provides information to schools about how to create a trauma-informed active shooter/intruder drill. This fact sheet outlines the steps to take before, during, and after for students, school staff, and parents.
Offers information on why school personnel are important for grieving students with a military background. This fact sheet outlines how students in military families differ from civilian students, how students grieve, what Childhood Traumatic Grie
Offers information on why school personnel are important for grieving students. This fact sheet outlines how children grieve, what Childhood Traumatic Grief is, who develops Childhood Traumatic Grief, what traumatic stress reactions in Childhood T