Lisa Conradi, current NCTSN Affiliate and former Executive Director of the Chadwick Center for Children and Families in San Diego, shares how these on-the-ground facts have hindered the type of leadership needed for a successful and robust implementation initiative and how to avoid these pitfalls.
Dr. Tripp Ake describes the work that the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress conducted in the Breakthrough Series focused on trauma-informed suicide prevention as an example to illustrate the use of think tanks to help build consensus for key long-term initiatives for system change.
Jen Agosti delves into the application of the EPIS framework and highlights key lessons learned from practical experience, emphasizing the critical importance of prioritizing the Exploration and Preparation phases for successful implementation.
Using her specific work in the area of Secondary Traumatic Stress, Dr. Ginny Sprang of the University of Kentucky has explored what it is that champions do to make an initiative successful.
Highlights the importance of the community in driving the direction for, and positive changes to, suicide prevention and response systems.
Provides parents and caregivers information on sexual development and behavior in children.
Offers information on coping after mass violence. This fact sheet provides common reactions children and families may be experiencing after a mass violence event, as well as what they can do to take care of themselves.
Outlines how to work with LGBTQ youth. This webinar describes the clinical competencies needed to provide a safe space for LGTBQ youth who are dealing with trauma.
Download the Family Acceptance Project’s (FAP) evidence-based posters to educate family members, providers, religious leaders, LGBTQ youth and others about the critical role of family support to prevent suicide and other serious health risks and t
From Inform Transform and the Family Acceptance Project (FAP), this Trauma-Informed & Affirming Checklist shares best practices for safely engaging and supporting LGBTQ+ youth, children, and families in mental health settings.