Highlights the importance of understanding the serious consequences that trauma histories can have for birth parents and the subsequent potential impact on their parenting. This fact sheet is for child welfare workers.
Highlights the importance for court-based advocates to understand the serious consequences that trauma histories can have for birth parents and the subsequent potential impact on their parenting.
Presents techniques to use when interviewing children who may have been physically or sexually abused.
Offers treatment providers and agency administrators information about how to partner with youth and families at each level of their organization.
Offers parents information on helping their families cope with a pandemic flu.
Discusses the options teens have after sexual abuse. This fact sheet provides information on whether or not to tell, who to go to for help, and what resources are available for support.
Helps juvenile justice agencies support children and youth during and after natural disasters. This toolkit is for juvenile justice staff, supervisors, and administrators who work with and on behalf of children, youth, and families who experience
Provides background information for helping school professionals to engage and provide support for parents and caregivers with LGBTQ students.
Gives parents advice for coping when their child is injured. This pocket card is intended to be shared with parents by emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
Provides policymakers and other stakeholders with an overview of child sex trafficking and its relationship to child trauma, as well as policy-relevant and child trauma-focused recommendations to assist them in their response to child sex traffick