Offers teens information about trauma, how it can affect them, and why they might use alcohol or drugs to deal with their experiences.
Offers details about using trauma-informed child welfare practice to improve placement stability.
Discusses the correlation between victimization and juvenile offending.
Gives questions for youth to answer to determine if they have experienced community violence.
Offers survivors of acquaintance rape information on what they can do now.
Defines child traumatic stress. This fact sheet gives an overview of trauma, describes traumatic stress symptoms, and ways children may be impacted.
Offers information about complex trauma, how it can impact youth, both good and harmful coping strategies, and ways to improve.
Provides parents and caregivers with information about a child disclosing sexual abuse.
Provides information to youth about how to talk about medical trauma with others.
Highlights the importance of parent-child relationships and how to use treatment as a way to build these relationships.