Guides participants in understanding the Defending Childhood Initiative and its policy implications for the child trauma field.
Discusses the impact of trauma and the experience of young children in the child welfare system and the signs, symptoms, and consequences of trauma in infants, young children, and their caregivers.
Discusses strategies to engage Latino clients in Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) treatment.
Focuses on the effects of traumatic stress in infancy and early childhood.
Highlights two examples of state-based child trauma policy innovations. This webinar discuses the many states playing a leadership role in enacting and implementing policies to support trauma-informed services for children and families.
Provides an overview of current issues, challenges, and emerging practices facing child welfare jurisdictions as it relates to children who have experienced commercial sexual exploitation.
Addresses therapist, supervisor, and organizational challenges and opportunities for addressing secondary traumatic stress in the context of serving clients who experience child sexual abuse.
Gives a list of resources for parents and caregivers who have children experiencing childhood traumatic grief. This list includes a breakdown of resources by medium type such as books or videos.
Gives a list of resources for children experiencing childhood traumatic grief. This list includes a breakdown of resources by developmental age.
Gives a list of resources for professionals working with childhood traumatic grief. This list includes different mediums for professionals to use such as books or videos.