Reports findings from research on crossover youth.
Provides a brief history of the NCTSN Partnering with Youth and Families Committee.
Provides information about the effects of prenatal exposure to substances and trauma on children.
Addresses the relevance of traumatic stress for healthcare providers and discusses the prevalence, impact, risk factors, and mechanisms of pediatric medical trauma.
Describes aspects of COVID-19-related deaths that can contribute to children’s traumatic stress reactions, with an emphasis on developmental considerations and behavioral health disparities.
Includes discussions from providers who work with families on vulnerabilities to exploitation and staying safe online as well as personal experiences faced by those who struggle to talk to their children about being safe.
Includes information from providers and members of different Native Nations on how experiencing loss, especially the loss of elders, has impacted traditional ways of parenting in their communities.
Provides information for supporting the staff in a children’s advocacy center (CAC) setting who have been exposed to critical incidents and may have concerns about their physical or psychological safety.
Includes discussion from providers who work with families, communities, and schools before, during, and after violent events as well as parents and school staff, to explore personal experiences faced by those who have struggled to deal with and ad
Provides information on what makes the NCTSN unique, and why in 2001 SAMHSA established the NCTSN in an effort to pull together expertise nationwide and create a mechanism for intentional collaboration to move scientific gains quickly into practic