Assists agencies in weighing the pros and cons of adopting the TF-CBT treatment model.
Features a first-person interview with Jeanne Sherman, MEd, CAGS, LMHC, whose efforts on behalf of military veterans and families in Rhode Island earned her the VFW Community Service Award in May of 2015.
Highlights creating STS-informed organizations, building bridges between child welfare and mental health agencies, and one young man’s journey through sexual exploitation to mentoring others.
Highlights Elizabeth Thompson, Director of The Family Center at Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, and her peak professional experience with the NCTSN.
Is a handout from Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide (PFA).
Highlights the importance of birth parents understanding the serious consequences their trauma histories can have on them and the subsequent potential impact on their parenting.
Describes integrating behavioral health services in rural and urban Native American communities, outlines the story of healing for three survivors of child sex trafficking, and other highlights.
Provides guidance on responding to disaster, violence, or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention.
Describes the prevalence of trauma exposure and service use among NCTSN children in the Core Data Set and offers the study's results, recommendations, and policy implications.
Includes an overview of the breadth of the Network’s accomplishments since its inception.